For Beauty First Films, we wanted a logo that would convey our mission to take the viewer to a place of awe, beauty, and holiness. We hoped the image could also invoke the ancient tradition of pilgrimage.
I have studied graphic design for several years and it seems to me that logo design is the most difficult design challenge. When you look at some of the most iconic logos of our era--for Apple, Nike, Starbucks--you know they work, but it's not so easy to deconstruct how they got there.
We reached out to Seattle-based graphic designer, Theodora Teodosiades, for help. We explained our inspiration to Theodora and sent her a list of words:
compass, compass rose, north
true north, Christ, cross, N=ICXC
travel, road, adventure, beauty
ancient, historic, holiness, pilgrimage
Theodora helped us explore and rule out ideas we originally liked. Over time we started to settle on a very basic compass. Then we continued to develop the idea, talk to more BFFs, and collect inspiration. We found compasses stamped into driveways, and delicately printed in books. We found them in marble entryways, in jewelry, and in other logos.
Through Divine Providence, just when we were ready to choose another design, this form emerged, and became our logo:

We love that this logo brings to mind a flower, a cross, a compass, the star of Bethlehem, and a snowflake. We especially love that it emphasizes orienting ourselves towards one direction above the others. This direction is North, or Christ, or Beauty.
To celebrate the completion of the design, we printed a limited number of 3" round Beauty First Films logo stickers. If you would like one for your water bottle, laptop, or notebook, please reach out to us through the contact form on the website and we will send you one--while supplies last.

You can find Theodora Teodosiades' amazing food photography at @theodora_teodosiadis and paintings and design at @theodoraart. Enjoy more images from our logo process at her website:
I love it..!! I would like to get a patch for my jacket about 4" round. Great logo..!!